The Next Pig Thing

By Kate Garsombke
Published on November 1, 2001

The Next Pig Thing, Leora Broydo
Pigs produce thousands of tons of manure each year, making
phosphorous-based farm waste one of the greatest threats to our
nation’s drinking water supply. Researchers from the University of
Guelph in Ontario say they can remedy that problem with their
genetically engineered ‘Enviropig’ that produces up to 75 percent
less phosphorous. Environmental groups, wary of introducing a
genetically engineered organism into the environment, argue that
the pork industry is only interested in the pig to work around
proposed environmental rules regulating phosphorous output on
farms. A genetically engineered ‘Enviropig’ is a waste of
resources, says Michael Khoo of the Union of Concerned Scientists,
because more simple, sustainable agriculture programs already exist
— like a breed of corn that reduces phosphorous in manure by up to
50 percent.
–Kate Garsombke
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