Ever since the post-September 11th tightening of
airportsecurity, activists around the United States have been
singledout by the Transportation Security Administration for
extrasearches and stops before boarding planes, reports Dave
Lindorffin In These Times. Members of the Green Party, Peace
Action, andthe Center for Constitutional Rights are among those who
havebeen detained by soldiers, questioned by Secret Service
agents,and searched routinely before flying, some told they were
‘on alist’ of people to be kept off planes. Many of them pacifists,
itcan be difficult to call these activists ‘threats to
aviation.’But what they do have in common, Lindorff writes, ‘is
oppositionto the Bush administration’s war policies and its attack
on civilliberties.’ Yet what may be worse than this harassment is
thatthe purported list of names is not held tightly in
nationalsecurity files; it is actually available to corporations
rangingfrom airlines and banks to car-rental companies and
–Erica Sagrans
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