The Pedestal Magazine, Web site review

By Leif Utne Utne Magazine
Published on December 1, 2002

Looking for a little literary respite from our usual diet of
media and political news, we recently happened across Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, this
handsomely designed e-zine just completed its second year in
publication, an impressive feat in itself for a free (and ad-free)
professional web zine in the post dot-bomb era. Updated bimonthly,
the Pedestal offers a rich array of poetry, fiction, non-fiction,
and visual art. The current issue (October 21-December 21, 2002)
features a penetrating interview with Pulitzer prize-winning poet
Maxine Kumin along with five previously unpublished poems from her
forthcoming book Bringing Together: Uncollected Early Poems
1958-1988, due out from Norton in June 2003. Writers will enjoy the
Pedestal’s discussion forum, which has attracted an impressive
community of scribes.
–Leif Utne

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