The Pepsification of America

By Greg Palast Workingforchange.Com
Published on September 1, 2003

On September 4, the Interior Department rented part of the
Washington Mall to PepsiCo for an event promoting the launch of its
latest product, ‘Pepsi Vanilla’. In a whimsical essay on, Greg Palast, author of The Best
Democracy Money Can Buy
, ponders the implications of the
increasing corporate sponsorship of public assets and speculates on
where this all might be headed: ‘Attorney General John Ashcroft is
expected to announce today that those 10 outdated amendments will
be called ‘Bill of Rights Classic,’ while the post-PATRIOT Act
version will henceforth be called ‘New Rights Lite.’ A spokesman
for Mr. Ashcroft added that Anne Coulter will be renamed, simply,
Leif Utne

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Pepsification of America

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