The Public I

By Al Paulson
Published on April 1, 2001

Public I,
website review by Al Paulson
Ever wonder what’s behind George Bush’s shifts in environmental
policy, or what motivated his cabinet picks? Is it just a
coincidence that a top Bush aid was a paid lobbyist for a huge oil
conglomerate and one of the world’s largest manufacturers of auto
exhaust systems? And this had nothing to do with the Prez’s
rejection of the Kyoto protocol, did it? Nah, it’s all just a
coincidence. The Public I, the muckraking online
newsletter of the Washington, D.C.-based non-profit Center for
Public Integrity, exposes the nasty little tidbits of government
and corporate power that are unfit to print in the mainstream
media. Want to hear about the strange association between Mark
Rich, Jesse Helms, and South Africa’s Apartheid government? Find
out who’s feeding at the federal trough and taking extra desserts.
Does Australia have some dark aboriginal skeletons in its closet?
Updated daily, this intelligent no-holds-barred site makes no bones
about pointing fingers and naming names.
–Al Paulson

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