In the week since America?s new war on Iraq officially began, Al
Jazeera has aired hours of disturbing footage depicting the
horrific realities of battle. While the Pentagon would rather you
not see these images, many of them have already begun circulating
around the Web. Russ Kick has compiled a gallery of them on his web
site pictures of dead Iraqi
children and soldiers, and US POWs. We are not running this for its
entertainment value. These terrible images make one thing
abundantly clear: war is not about glory; it is about violence and
death. And if you?ve harbored any doubt that this war could foment
more anti-American sentiment across the Arab world, these
images?which have been broadcast widely throughout the region in
recent days?should unfortunately lay your doubts to rest.
?Leif Utne
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(WARNING: Some of these images are very