Tides Cool Planet Fund,eGrants.org
If you want to help reverse global warming but have no idea where
to donate money, simply log on to the Tides Cool Planet fund. The
fund is part of an innovative website called
eGrants.org, a project of the San Francisco-based
Tides Foundation, which supports dozens of progressive
organizations working on a range of issues, from hate crimes to the
environment to hunger relief. The Cool Planet Fund pools small
donations from individual website users and distributes the money
to 12 separate organizations fighting global warming on a variety
of fronts, both local and global, like the Renewable Northwest
Project, the Lousiana-based Alliance for Affordable Energy, and
Greenpeace International. And, if you’d like, you can also donate
money to other eGrants umbrella sites which allocate money for
homeless shelters and earthquake disasters, including the recent
ones in India and El Salvador.
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