Up In Paint?

By Jessi Misslin and Utne.Com
Published on November 13, 2007

If mainstream museums and art institutions were excluding an entire group of artists, whose work had heavily influenced American music, dance, literature, painting, drawing, visual arts, and political activism, what would you do? If you were comedian Cheech Marin, you’d work to make sure that these artists get the kind of respect they deserve. That’s just what he’s done. Chicano Visions: American Painters on the Verge opened February 1st at Albuquerque’s National Hispanic Cultural Center, as one of the largest traveling exhibitions comprising works from many significant masters of the Chicano Art Movement. “We’re bringing our interpretation of the Chicano experience to the American public,” says Marin, whose private collection of Chicano Art is the world’s largest, “I want all Americans to understand that Chicano culture plays a big part in the patchwork quilt that is Americana. The contributions of Chicanos have been so enormous, but they tend to be overlooked.” The show will travel to 15 cities across the country over the next five years, and will run simultaneously with the interactive project, Chicano Now, exploring Chicano influences in the arts and entertainment.
Jessi Misslin

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