Urge Moderate Republicans to pull a Jeffords

By Nick Garafola
Published on November 14, 2007

Urge Moderate Republicans to pull a Jeffords, Web site review by Nick Garafola, WorkingForChange
Fighting for what you believe in is made easy online. Just click on the “take action” icon to pledge your solidarity with the survivors of the Dow Chemical toxic disaster in Bhopal, India. You can even leave a message for the CEO and inform him of your demands. WorkingForChange allows you to speak out on urgent issues, make donations, and volunteer time to important causes. In most cases the site provides you with a direct link to the decision makers who can make a difference on these issues. The site is currently focused on persuading moderate Republicans to leave the Republican Party. Willing activists are provided with direct links to the senators and invited to tell them, “you have a choice to make.” The “Give for Change” page allows you to make online donations to hundreds of different nonprofit groups. And the “Activism Tips” page coaches you on how to be more effective in your protest. About the only thing it doesn’t tell you is how to stay warm on a picket line.
–Nick Garafola
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