Waging Peace in Perilous Times

By Vicki Robin Conversation Cafes
Published on January 1, 2003

Sunday January 26, 2003
5:30 – 7:30 PM
Elliott Bay Book Company, 101 South Main, Seattle

A Community Conversation Caf? with Nina Utne, Chair, Utne magazine,
Ross Reynolds, host of The Conversation/KUOW, Alene Moris, leader
on women?s issues, Vicki Robin, co-founder of Conversation Caf?s,
and Seattle citizens like you.No one wants war. No sane person
wants to ?kill for peace.? Yet we are in a war on terror and may
wage a war in Iraq in the name of peace, security and freedom. Some
believe these are just and necessary wars for global security. Some
think they are arrogant and reckless US ploys for global dominance.
Many of us muddle around in the middle. Whatever the reasons for
war, we need to mobilize our imagination, intelligence and spirits
towards peace. What could make peace break out now? Where is it
already happening? How can we make it grow and last? What are your
best ideas for peace in these perilous times?Come to the Community
Conversation Caf? on Waging Peace in Perilous Times. Share your
thoughts, feelings and ideas for action with your neighbors in
one-hour, hosted conversation groups. Discover and deepen your
ideas by speaking them. Learn new perspectives through listening.
Together, we will make the path to peace ? locally and globally ?
by talking.What are Conversation
Conversation Caf?s are hosted, drop-in conversations
among people with diverse views and a shared passion for engaging
with others on topics of common concern. They are a safe place
where ?community? is discovered, energies are renewed, differences
of beliefs are accepted, and visions for a better world take
shape.Find a caf? at

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