What Do Dreams Want?

By Utne Reader
Published on November 1, 2000
November-December 2000

Cover Section

What do dreams want?
NIGHT EYES | By Marc Ian Barasch
The doctor said he was fine, but his terrifying nightmares suggested otherwise and they were right. Exploring the mysterious oracles
we call dreams.


SLOW IS BEAUTIFUL (AND DELICIOUS) | By Tenaya Darlington, Isthmus
In response to the blanding of world cuisine, Italy’s Slow Food movement is now sweeping the United States. Behind it all is a new breed of food activists, determined to help us rediscover the meaning of the phrase live to eat.

ORGANIC VS. LOCAL | By Karen Lehman and Julie Ristau

How food is grown isn’t the only health consideration; where that food comes from is important, too.

THE FUTURE OF FOOD | By Hal Hamilton, Yes! A Journal of Positive Futures
Industrialized mega-farms or healthy local farms? This is the choice we face.

AGRICULTURE?S NEXT FRONTIER | By Michael Ableman, Earth Island Journal
A tree grows in Brooklyn . . . and so does a tomato, and a cucumber, and an onion. How urban gardeners could feed the world.

HAVANA?S HOMEGROWN REVOLUTION | By Jade Saunders, The New Internationalist
Half of Cuba’s vegetables come from urban organic gardens.

No matter who’s running Washington, here are five reasons
to be hopeful about the future of America:
Paul Hawken on the new citizens’ movements
Gay Gaer Luce on the graying of America
David Korten on anticorporate uprisings
James Redfield on the promise of the spiritual
Margaret Wheatley on the potential of the next generation

THE Best Wing: CABINET PICKS | By Jay Walljasper
Ralph Nader, Andrew Weil, Robert Redford, Ann Landers,
and the rest of our political dream team.

POETRY IN BRICK AND MUD | By Adam Hochschild, Mother Jones
According to one free-thinking architect in India, the best materials
for building energy-efficient, beautiful homes are, literally, right
under our noses.

New Planet

HIGH IMMUNITY| By Tinker Ready

Now that new vaccines may render recreational drugs impotent, should we inoculate kids to prevent partying?

MAVERICK: Jan Lundberg (print only) | By Laird Harrison, Audubon

With his feet planted firmly in the way of Progress, this California anti-road activist works to ‘pull the rug out from under the car.’

TWO CHEERS FOR CONSUMERISM (print only) | By James B. Twitchell, Reason
Face it: We’re all consumerists at heart. So why doesn’t anyone want to talk about it?

Also: 21st century police state; the end of the kibbutz?; save the males.


TENDER IS THE NET | By Michelle Goldberg, Shift
The e-economy may be cooling down, but in Silicon Valley, the party won’t stop.

Also:Jim Harrison on thickets (Michigan Quarterly Review); David Updike on family resemblances (DoubleTake); and Ophira Edut on big booties.

Practical Seeker

OVERWHELMED BY THE WORLD? | By Maggie Oman Shannon, Intuition

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? If so, don?t worry: You?re just like 20 percent

of the population.

Also:Mexico’s herbal steam baths (Herbs for Health); Armadillo tacos; how to make big talk (Kyoto Journal).

Mixed Media

B-REAL | By Dan Georgakas, Cineaste

Ida Lupino, queen of the B-movies, finally gets the attention her trailblazing films deserve.

Also:The lost films of Oscar Micheaux; digital monkey business; snapshots worth a thousand words (Saturday Night); and our critics’ music picks.

The Hip Mama mama on kids, Dr. Laura, and TV.

In-depth coverage of eye-opening issues that affect your life.