Why Youth News Network Sucks: Corporate Censorship in the Classroom

By Sara V. Buckwitz
Published on August 1, 2000

Why Youth News Network Sucks: Corporate
Censorship in the Classroom,
David Brand,
Much like the hoopla surrounding the broadcasting of Channel
in US schools, Canada’s own Youth News Network (YNN)
caused an equal amount of controversy. In exchange for the right to
show Meadowvale Secondary School in Canada two-and-a-half minutes
of commercials every morning, YNN paid for televisions for every
classroom and a computer lab. David Brand, an attending student,
argues that his school suffered from corporate sponsorship more
than it has gained monetarily. Due to the controversy, Brand
writes, ‘The tension between the staff, students and administration
has continued to rise over the past year. It’s affecting our
schooling, our extra-curricular activities, and the lives of every
student and staff member.’ — SVB
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