n+1 debuted in 2004 with guns blazing: Its
first issue opened with a bold discussion of the ‘intellectual
situation’ that criticized the shortcomings of various prominent
writers and magazines. (The editors can take their lumps, too-in
the third issue they printed New Republic senior editor
James Wood’s lengthy response to that critique.)
We have found that n+1 is always thoughtful and
surprising: At the end of every essay, you can’t help but think
that you’ve just read the masterwork of that author’s career.
Credit for this is due to the writers, of course, but also to the
architects of what is probably the best-edited magazine in our
library this year. Each story-each word, for that matter-just
In researching this magazine, we were surprised to encounter
accusations of elitism by some of its fellow New York literary
scenesters and litbloggers. We heartily disagree. To us, essays on
culture and politics are written gracefully, and easily, through a
literary lens. Yes, n+1‘s four editors are young, male Ivy
League graduates, but the writing still doesn’t seem ivory tower or
self-important-perhaps because it is important.
Subscriptions: $20/yr. (2 issues);
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