Online Exclusive: Utne Reader's Guide to Green Building

By Staff
Published on October 20, 2007

Utne Reader’s Online Guide to Green Building

Venturing into the realm of green building can be a daunting task for any homeowner, let alone those of us who are trying to keep a tight rein on the household budget. But fear not. There are some handy, user-friendly online resources out there waiting to walk you through it, without breaking the bank.

–> Sierra‘s July/August issue has a budget savvy guide to green remodeling that ranges from “simple fixes” to “more sophisticated” to “whole hog.”

–> New Ecology Inc., a Massachusetts nonprofit that promotes affordable sustainable development, offers an exhaustive list of links and resources.

–> For the financial side of things: The Residential Energy Services Network, an industry group that sets the national standard when it comes to rating buildings’ energy efficiency, gives the low-down on and the benefits of home energy ratings and energy efficient mortgages. And EcoBroker website has a wealth of information on the green real estate market.

–> And, believe it or not, the U.S. government (via EnergyStar) has some helpful hints for the green buyer or remodeler. Check out the federal program’s information on Home Improvement (including a Remodeling Guide) and New Homes.

Have some suggestions for other helpful resources? Email us.

Want more? Read the rest ofUtne Reader‘s November/December package on the Green Building:

Green Building for the Rest of Us
How a good idea can make it into the mainstream
By Hannah Lobel

Salvage Beauty
Reused building materials take a load off the environment
By Joseph Hart

Low Rent, High Tech
Affordable housing advocates build green and inspire innovation
By Hannah Lobel

Greening Your Home
Going green around the house
By Joseph Hart

Online Exclusive: Green Homes on the Range
Affordable, environmentally friendly starter homes come to the heartland
By Catherine Prewitt, from the Next American City

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