Old Gumball Machines Retrofitted as Seedbomb Dispensaries

By Will Wlizlo
Published on September 3, 2010
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<p>Guerrilla warfare just got a little bit easier. Guerrilla war, that is, against empty fields<br />
and urban blight. Thanks to Greenaid, a <a href=”http://thecommonstudio.com/index.php?/project/greenaid/” target=”_blank”>landscape beautification project</a> started by the<br />
Commonstudio design firm, you can now <a href=”http://www.good.is/post/greenaid-places-seebombs-in-vintage-gumball-machines” target=”_blank”>purchase seedbombs from vintage gumball<br />
machines</a>. Seedbombs are little eco-grenades packed with seeds and compost–lob one<br />
of them into a vacant lot, cram it into a crack in the sidewalk, or leave it in a neglected<br />
public park, and in a few days watch for a green explosion of regionally tailored<br />
wildflowers and grasses. Not only does Greenaid incrementally garnish the concrete<br />
jungle with shoots, leaves, and petals, it also spares gumball machines from the<br />
salvage yard.<br />
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Listen to designers Daniel Phillips and Kim Karlsrud talk about grassroots activism, empowering<br />
people with design, and public spaces in the video below.</p>
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<p>For another instance of creative retrofitting, check out this project to <a href=”https://www.utne.com/arts/vending-machines-that-quit-cold-turkey.aspx” target=”_blank”>convert legally obsolete cigarette vending machines into art dispensaries</a> in Montreal.<br />
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(Thanks, <a href=”http://www.good.is/” target=”_blank”>Good</a>.)</p>
<em>Image courtesy of <a href=”http://thecommonstudio.com/” target=”_blank”>Commonstudio</a>.</em>

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