Amazing, Versatile Hemp

By The Editors Of Utne Reader
Published on March 1, 2000

Made with hemp fibers: trunk and door panels of the German-manufactured 5 and 7 series BMW cars

Also made with hemp: Adidas shoes, Patagonia shirts, J. Jill shorts, Body Shop skin-care products

Made from hemp stalks: Isochanvre, a lightweight French concrete substitute

Hemp seed: hastens childbirth, reduces blood pressure, accelerates hair growth

Ate only hemp seeds for six years pre-enlightenment: Prince Siddhartha, aka Buddha

Sleeps on hemp: Queen Elizabeth II’s horse

Painted on hemp canvas: Rembrandt, Van Gogh Wrote on hemp paper: Confucius, Lao Tzu

Printed on hemp paper: the first Gutenberg and King James Bibles

Planned for Amsterdam, Auckland, Barcelona, Hawaii, Nepal, Paris, Santa Barbara, Sydney, Toronto, Tokyo, and Vancouver: HempWorld Hotels(tm), with hemp towels, sheets, shampoo, lip balm, wine, pretzels (

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