Still Cleaning Up After Superfund

By Staff
Published on April 4, 2008
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Remember Superfund? It’s the federal program charged with cleaning up the country’s hazardous waste sites: landfills, mines, contaminated water, and the like. But with little funding and zero political momentum, the 1,257 sites listed on the EPA’s National Priority List are just as toxic as ever.

The interactive, info-packed website Superfund365 aims to thrust the ailing program back onto the national radar by spotlighting a different Superfund site every day. Each area’s easy-to-use profile includes history, ethnicity stats, and a breakdown of the site’s contaminants (with helpful links to explain the effects of lesser-known substances like chlordane and trichloroethane).

(Thanks, Good.)

Danielle Maestretti

Image by mangpages, licensed under Creative Commons.

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