The Well-Mannered Bicyclist

By Staff
Published on April 4, 2008

<p>Tired of the anarchy of Critical Mass rides, when street cyclists often disregard traffic laws, Reama Dagasan launched Critical Manners for the well-mannered bikers, <a title=”reports <I>Bicycling</I>” href=”” target=”_blank”>reports <i>Bicycling</i>
</a> (article not available online)<i>.</i> Critical Manners promises “<a title=”a helmet-wearing, bell-ringing … good time” href=”” target=”_blank”>a helmet-wearing, bell-ringing … good time</a>” the second Friday of each month in San Francisco, Seattle, and Little Rock, Arkansas. There’s even synchronized signaling practice. Dagasan believes that cyclists can encourage motorists to share the road without provoking them or putting themselves in danger.</p>
<i>–<a title=”Lisa Gulya” href=”” target=”_self”>Lisa Gulya</a>

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