Lost in the Wild Resources

By Staff and Utne Reader
Published on May 1, 1996

U.S. House of Representatives: To read the text of a bill and check on its status, click on “The Legislative Process”. To see how House members voted, click on “House Votes”. To find your representative and his or her address, click on “Who’s Who and How to Contact Them”. To register your comments on an issue, click on “Your Comments Please!”

Alliance for the Wild Rockies: AWR works to secure the ecological integrity of the northern Rockies region.

National Parks and Conservation Association: America’s only private, nonprofit citizen organization dedicated solely to protecting, serving, and enhancing the national park system.

Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance: The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance is a regional grassroots organization with 20,000 members working to protect America’s red rock wilderness in southern Utah.

The Sierra Club: Founded in 1892, the Sierra Club works to influence public policy decisions to promote conservation of the natural environment.

The Nature Conservancy: An international membership organization that finds, protects, and maintains communities, ecosystems, and endangered species in the natural world.

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