Sporting the subtitle “And Now the Good News,” it’s no wonder that tickets to TEDGlobal sold out. Who isn’t anxiously searching for a modicum of hope in a worldso frequently portrayed as mired in disaster and despair?
For all of us who didn’t have the cash and/or connections to attend this annual gathering of the most forward-thinking individuals in the world, Good compiled a “What You Missed” rundown of the opening day of the four-day long multidisciplinary conference in Oxford, England. Maria Popova details the presentations of Tuesday’s ten speakers, including links to some of the work that won them stage-time.
Popova concludes that this year’s TEDGlobal serves as a “reminder of just why ‘good news’–reframing the world as its potential for the positive, not its pathology for the negative–is not merely a good addition to our cultural dialogue, but a necessary one.”
A full schedule for the conference is available here, including bios for each presenter. And TED has posted a video of Matt Ridley’s Tuesday lecture, “When Ideas Have Sex.” All talks will be available online once the conference has ended.
Image by Jurvetson, licensed under Creative Commons.