Imagine setting up a collective–a business venture, perhaps–tied strictly to majority vote. . . and then two successful decades later, finding yourself consistently in the minority. No harm, no foul, AK Press founder Ramsey Kanaan tells the East Bay Express. In “Beyond Anarchy at PM Press,” Rachel Swan profiles the publisher’s amicable 2007 departure from AK Press and his current project: PM Press, which is armed with “all the attributes that helped AK at its inception: inexhaustible creativity; a staff of idealists willing to volunteer their time; [and] imaginative ways of bringing print to the digital realm.”
Kanaan tells East Bay Express that he’s happy to see more of his ideas coming to fruition. ” ‘It’s not that I want to be a dictator,” said the publisher, explaining that PM is in fact more collectively minded than AK. It’s just easier to run a collective when everyone agrees with you.”
Source: East Bay Express