We just heard some bad news from our friends at NEED magazine. Their Minneapolis office was burglarized last weekend, and all of their equipment was stolen–computers, telephones, printers, even desk lamps. NEED, which launched in late 2006, reports on inspiring humanitarian projects around the world; its current issue (#4) includes a piece on the Breath of Life program, which outfits small Vietnamese hospitals with life-saving devices for premature babies, and dispatches from a conference on innovative philanthropy.
“We’re just putting the pieces back together,” wrote Liz Werner, the magazine’s senior writer and communications specialist, in an e-mail to me Friday. “I think our staff has been able to assess the incident with a certain clarity and perspective. At NEED we know that there are people and communities all over the world who are dealing with (and overcoming) bigger problems.”
The burglary will likely throw their publishing schedule off a bit, so in the meantime, pick up the current issue or learn more about their important work at www.needmagazine.com.