Got space for thousands of zines? The Papercut Zine Library–which lends an unusual collection of 7,000 zines, indie books, periodicals, and audio/visual materials in addition to hosting community events–is looking for a new home in the Boston/Cambridge area. The collective-run, free lending library lost its space in Cambridge’s Democracy Center on August 15. It had operated there since May 2005.
As outlined on the collective’s Myspace page, Papercut is looking for at least 180 square feet of space in an accessible area. Joining an existing community/arts/organizing space is an option, and so is renting low-cost commercial space. There’s just one absolute: “that the freedom to make decisions about the library’s internal operation stay within our collective. That is, we are not interested in another library absorbing our collective if it means the collective will not be involved.”
Anyone who has ideas or tips should get in touch with Papercut.
Source: Papercut Zine Library
(Thanks, BoingBoing.)
Image by gruntzooki, licensed under Creative Commons.