James Lipton Urges Teens to “Ponder” Before Sending Gossipy Texts, Nude Photos

By  by Danielle Maestretti
Published on December 2, 2009

Inside the Actors Studio‘s James Lipton encourages teens to think before they text in a hilarious new series of PSAs aimed at curbing mobile-phone harassment among young people. In the ads, Lipton and his magnificent beard implore four different text-happy teens to “give it a ponder” before sending gossipy messages, starting snide rumors, or, in one young man’s case, texting “pics of his junk” to his Twitter-addicted girlfriend.

AdWeek hasthe entire Lipton-and-beard-starring PSA campaign (with print and video) at its AdFreak blog.

(Thanks, Jezebel.)

Source: AdFreak

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