Some of the best stuff from the Twitter feeds we follow…
The Nation (@thenation):
Robert Reich eviscerates the Supercommittee’s skewed priorities, draws a cartoon.
See more at The Nation
Mother Jones (@MotherJones)
Chart of the Day: How Not to Create Jobs
Chuck Marr of CBPP notes that the CBO recently studied a laundry list of job creation proposals and concluded that higher unemployment benefits had the biggest bang for the buck. “That’s not surprising,” he says, “given that jobless people are severely cash constrained and would quickly spend most of any incremental increase in cash and that, in turn, would lead to higher demand and job creation.”
But which proposal came in last?
The American Prospect (@theprospect)
Despite what you’ve heard from many pundits, Mitt Romney isn’t the kid who gets picked last in gym class.
Mitt Romney is just as popular as Herman Cain or Newt Gingrich, his problem–in part–is that he has too many competitors, and Republican voters are indulging the extent to which they have a fair amount of choice. When the field begins to winnow in January, odds are very good that Romney will pick up a lot more support from Republican voters.
Read more about a Gallup poll about the Republican presidential candidates at The American Prospect
In These Times (@inthesetimesmag)
#OWS Library in the slammer, roughed up. Librarians surveying the damage. livetweeting from the garage.
OWS librarians attempted to reclaim their collection and found it decimated, according to the Maddow Blog. The librarians told Maddow that they only found 25 boxes of books in storage, many of which were damaged or desroyed. Laptop computers were recovered, damanged beyond repair.
Read more at In These Times
Bill McKibben (@billmckibben)
If you want to see someone looking nervous on Colbert, tonite is your big chance
The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
Oxford American (@oxfordamerican):
Musician Chris Isaak likes Oxford American
“I was reading the ‘Oxford American,’ a great, great music magazine,” he said. “It’s like getting four years of ‘Rolling Stone’ all in the same magazine.”
Read the rest of the article about Chris Isaak in The Kansas City Star