A diamond is a girls’ best friend–because that’s what the diamond industry has decided.
Ten ironic ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Example A: “Wait in the park, and when couples pass by in horse-drawn carriages, spatter them with glue, yelling, ‘No one cares where last year’s horse went, do they?!'”
Illegal baby names from around the world.
“You are an idiot and a disgrace.” The Believer writes about the flood of outrage that is the result of saying absolutely anything on the internet.
Be inspired by this story of an actress who was propositioned by a famous casting director. When she refused to sleep with him, he told her “You’re never going to get anywhere in this business. You should go home and marry a Jewish dentist.” (Hint: She got somewhere.)
Is godlessness is the last big taboo in the US?
French parenting is like French cooking: It comes in smaller portions.
Could cyber-gardening be the new urban-gardening?
Factory farming is creating a new breed of hellacious superbugs.
On the 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens’ birth, Slackbridge, Gradgrind, and Jarndyce still have something to say about contemporary society and politics.
Manufacturers have found a new way to appeal to eco-friendly consumers: Brown it.
Image by AMagill, licensed under Creative Commons.