The Crockpot: A Weekly Digest 03.13.12

By Will Wlizlo
Published on March 13, 2012
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Was Frankenstein actually about childbirth?


Buying this thing will make you happy.


Grope and Pillage: The woeful budget track record of the TSA.


Every year in Colombia there are hundreds of reported cases of the criminal use of burundanga, a mysterious drug that allegedly robs victims of their free will.


The Great New-York-to-Paris Automobile Race of 1908.


Life lessons learned in a French cemetery.


A historical manuscripts cataloger spends her days archiving old letters, novel drafts, diaries, and odds and ends like Dickens’ cigar case and a lottery ticket signed by George Washington.


Glorious day–new literary prizes for fiction and nonfiction writers!


Why most people get divorced in March.


Bored at work? Get started on one of these: A mural made from 450,000 staples.


Forget your thinking cap. Slip on a white lab coat to focus your brain on a tricky task.


The next time you cut your finger, you could save a life. A new project aims to include a bone-marrow donor sign-up kit in Band-Aid boxes. Dab some blood on the included card, put it in the provided envelope and mail it to a lab, and join the ranks of donors. “I wanted to make it as fucking simple as possible to do something good,” says Graham Douglas, the man behind the idea.

Image by D’mooN, licensed under Creative Commons.

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