Defying the illegitimate authority of his crypto-fascist homeowners’ association, a punk dad issues an uncompromising manifesto.
A couple of Miami Beach buddies score some good weed–and some international arms contracts.
A diet change, instead of Ritalin, might be just the prescription for many ADHD cases.
Glimpse the elusive waterbirds of Manhattan.
“[O]ne day, while screening some episodes of HBO’s The Wire, it hit me: [Charles] Dickens was back and his name is David Simon.” Bill Moyers interviews David Simon at Guernica.
Tax-free online sales are taking their toll in Washington state, the home of Amazon.
Visit the Los Angeles you’ll never know: a city devoid of cars.
Who hasn’t celebrated a major victory by firing guns into the air, a la Yosemite Sam? Slateexamines what happens to the bullets after you’ve emptied your clip (and whether or not they can kill you).
Rupert Murdoch acquires New Internationalist. (Make sure to check the date that this one was posted.)