The Crockpot: A Weekly Digest 08.04.11

By Staff
Published on August 4, 2011
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Like us, you’re probably no Einstein. The question is, “Why Aren’t We Smarter?”


Religious, Republican–and in support of Planned Parenthood and abortion insurance


The art world has a history of dismissing the role of gay culture. It’s time to make reparations


Focusing on The Sopranos, Mad Men, The Wire,and Breaking Bad, Chuck Klosterman argues in Grantland that the rise in morality-based programming has birthed the “four best television shows of the past 10 years.”


The War on Terror will never end: Now, the haboobs are invading Arizona.


How ugly do we look after exercising? Photographer Sascha Goldberger got to work and found the answer. As it turns out, the answer is “reaaaaaaaaal ugly.”


Because you were dying to know, American Scientist published an article about how putting a circular pizza in a square pizza box works. Trust us, it’s more complicated that it sounds.


Rural America now accounts for just 16 percent of the nation’s population, the lowest ever.


Taking a cue from Meg Wolitzer’s latest novel, The Uncoupling, women from the small Colombian port village of Barbacoas are withholding sex from the menfolk until the government repairs some crucial roads in and out of the town.


Something new on the green fashion front: A German designer makes clothing from sour milk.


Do you have a stack of books waiting to be read? Be like Bill Gates and plan a reading retreat.


The Onion renders the marriage debate hilarious in a parody starring Pope Benedict XVI and his new gay friends Tony and Craig.


The ambiguously gay SpongeBob riles FOX once again–this time for spreading global warming propaganda.


Go to hell, you say? Well, here’s the top 10 weirdest ways a person might burn.


If your aunt was Virginia Woolf, this might be what she would say about your poetry. Take a look at an original note from Aunt Virginia to her nephew, Thoby.


Three-minute showers will green your morning routine. Are you up to the challenge?


Working just enough to get by while enjoying the good things in life: Welcome to the medium chill.


Did you hear about the married lesbian couple who saved 40 teens in the Norway massacre? Not in the mainstream media, you didn’t.


Rebecca Solnit writes about “the care and feeding of hope.”


A fascinating story about a disastrous hydrogen balloon mission to the North Pole in 1897 (with photos).


Welcome to the Sex Plex.

Image by maisonwb, licensed under Creative Commons.

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