So you want to be a writer. Well, start reading.
God may or may not be dead, but churches have become collectible.
Farewell, free will?
Wow. Some gorgeous photos from Iceland.
Sebastian Junger tells The Guardian why he’s getting out of war reporting.
This year’s literary genius grant winners have been announced.
A Muslim woman describes wearing a hijab–and how she felt going bareheaded in public for the first time at age 28.
September 22 is the Day of the Girl. Some things you can do: Tell Facebook to take down “rape joke” pages, change the channel on sexist entertainment, and write a letter to the editor when you see negative portrayals of girls in magazines.
A new take on the drinking fountain combines beauty and interaction. “As you approach it, it gently bows down to pour water into your glass.” Cool video…
The Table Project (kind of like Facebook for Christians) draws more than 1,600 churches from around the country and of every denomination.
Civilization is beautiful. Watch this time-lapse video taken by the International Space Station one night as it orbited around the earth.
What does India’s lush Kaziranga National Park have that the rest of the country’s decimated reserves do not? Plenty of tigers, for starters. (The world’s highest density.) Fleets of endangered one-horned rhinos. (More than two-thirds of the remaining population.) And, since last year, a take-no-prisoners antipoaching policy that allows rangers to shoot on sight. Welcome to the future of conservation.
Germany takes the hands-off approach: Driverless cars hit the streets of Berlin . . . and were completely functional.
If President Obama had an LGBT Advisor, what would their job be like?
Image by xlibber, licensed under Creative Commons.