The Crockpot: A Weekly Digest 10-22-2010

By Staff
Published on October 21, 2010
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Every week we share links to stories, articles, and other interesting things we’ve come across online for you to enjoy over the weekend. It’s the crockpot; we add the ingredients for a great online meal.Enjoy!

The Walrus has composed a photo essay documenting the lives of a small community of Mennonites residing in Manitoba, Bolivia. The colony of 2,000 recently suffered a shattering scandal when it was discovered that a gang of men had drugged and raped between 60 and 140 women in the community.

We’ve been enjoying Peter Terzian’s crisp, personal, decidedly nontrendy writing at the music blog Earworms, where he posts YouTube clips of favorite musicians from the ’70s through today along with engaging mini-essays. Terzian’s tastes run toward pop, folk, and rock but still range pretty widely, from Joni Mitchell to Led Zeppelin to Belle & Sebastian.

A new army of female rockers is showing the guys how to wield an ax.

Newsweek has a fun roundup of clips of embarrassing voicemails left by public figures (think Brett Favre, Alec Baldwin, etc.) have left on answering machines.

Read about the Frozen Zoo, a project that collects and preserves the genetic material of rare and endangered animals.  

Novelist and short story writer Lorrie Moore rhapsodizes about The Wire in The New York Review of Books.

Two from Fast Company: As the influence of Lance Armstrong’s Livestong organization continues to grow and the allegations continue to swirl around the man, one writer asks, “Is Livestrong’s greatest asset also its greatest risk?”  And, a profile of the rapper and–thanks to Coca-Cola–pop star K’naan, exploring his journey from playing with grenades as a child to writing the song at the center of Coke’s World Cup campaign.

On the sixth-month anniversary of the Gulf oil spill, environmentalist and essayist Terry Tempest Williams offers a very different portrait of the region and its people than you might hear on your nightly news (if you hear anything anymore) in her comprehensive essay, “The Gulf Between Us,” for Orion.

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