The Crockpot: A Weekly Digest 11.01.11

By Staff
Published on November 1, 2011
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Is our response to climate change a moral or an economic issue? Kathleen Dean Moore urges us to do the right thing regardless of the bottom line.


Clogs, boils, and death: 10 plagues for the new millennium.


Distinguish yourself–as exactly what, we’re not sure–with a wooden necktie.


Propublica questions Politico’s decision to publish a story on Herman Cain’s possible sexual harassment, writing that it “may be the biggest investigative scoop of the campaign season. But it would be hard to deduce that from the facts as published.”


Guernica puts together its first Iranian-American issue, and in light of guest editor Porochista Khakpour’s statement, “I wish no one had the concept Iranian-American,” the editors wonder, “could this magazine have made a worse choice?”


NaNoWri­Mo kicks off! Get writing….


Before you dust off your copy of A Christmas Carol for the annual read, check out the secret life of Charles Dickens.


Where in the world can you get an abortion, and for what reason?


Sometimes we need a nudge to change our behavior for the better–but it’s got to be just the right kind of nudge.


How to feed 7 billion people without destroying the planet.


In an illustrated edition of Food Rules, available November 1, Michael Pollan introduces the new food commandments. #7: Enjoy drinks that have been caffeinated by nature, not food science.

Image by The Value Web Photo Gallery, licensed under Creative Commons.

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