A Wyrd Story

By Peter Buffett
Published on January 30, 2013
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Buffett, son of billionaire investor Warren Buffett, is an Emmy
Award-winning composer, NY Times best-selling author and noted
philanthropist. Currently, he is releasing socially-conscious music and
touring his “Concert & Conversation” series in support of his book
Life Is What You Make It.

a friend asked if I believed in fate, and I said that I wasn’t sure. And that
as my life progressed and things got seemingly more weird (in a good way) I
thought that maybe I did believe in a sort of fatewith the caveat that our
choices most definitely matter. It was then that my friend pointed out the
etymology of the word “weird,” which is where things got, well, weird.

He prefers to
stay anonymous, but doesn’t mind me saying that he’s immersing himself in
Anglo-Saxon shamanism … which is pretty surprising to hear. I had never
considered that the Northern Europeans had shamanic practices, but of course
they did!

his take on the idea of fate, and I thought it was worth posting:

From a purely “new age-y” point of
view, your “soul” (which is higher and purer) is trying to get through
all of the muck to express itself. While that seems to be partially true (at
least in my case I can attest to that!), whatever is coming
through has to come through as a “you.”

So, then you get to the actual person. You are
the son of your mother, who is the daughter of her father and mother. You are
the son of your father, who is the son of his father and his mother. And so on,
and so on, and so on back to the first spark of life. You are the embodied force of all of your, (and their) actions,
decisions, traumas, and experiences to this point.

That is the vehicle that whatever is coming
through has to come through.

On another track you are at a moment in time when
certain things are possible which have never been possible before. And you are
at this specific moment in time where a change and transformation of a scope
never before seen is happening.

You are also embodied in a gigantic living web of
interaction, where everyone, and everything else is alive with purpose and
intent and history, just as you are.

So you are all of that, which both greatly limits
what you can do and makes it all possible at the same moment.

I guess that’s what I mean by fate.

What do you think? Do you feel called by a unique destiny?
Do you feel that somethingthe real “you“– is pushing through the complexity of this lifetime to express something
unique and powerful? What’s your story? 

What do you think? Share your story at changeourstory.com. Visit www.peterbuffett.comto learn more and Change Our Story to
join the conversation on how we all can become active participants in shaping
our future.

Image courtesy of Paull Younglicensed under Creative Commons.

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