Friends and family will tell you: Marriage is work. Keeping two people in a fulfilling relationship is difficult, while adultery comes naturally, the CrimethInc Collective write in Briarpatch. The problem, according to the article that “borrows liberally” from Against Love by Laura Kipnis, is that marriage turns relationships into “a domestic factory policed by rigid shop-floor discipline designed to keep wives and husbands chained to the machinery of responsible reproduction.”
Marriage resembles a market system, according to the article: “your intimacy is governed by scarcity, threats, and programmed prohibitions, and protected ideologically by assurances that there are no viable alternatives.”
Rather than make yourself a slave to the system, the article advocates cheating–and cheating openly. Sure, people will get hurt, but people always get hurt when the status-quo is upset.
Even if you don’t believe that marriage is tool of capitalist oppression, defenses of cheating are proliferating wildly on the internet. The irreverent Jewish site Jewcy recently published an interview with the founder of, a site designed for “Religious Jewish married people, who are looking for some excitement outside of their marriage.” The founder claims that more than 3,000 chat or messages are sent between the sites members every day.
The idea is reminiscent of this video by Dane Cook on how to keep a marriage alive for more than 55 years: | ||||
Dane Cook – Old Couple | ||||
Image by Robin Corps, licensed under Creative Commons.
Sources: Briarpatch, Jewcy