Eight Great Paths to Independent Health

By  by Julie Hanus
Published on April 13, 2010
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Our library contains 1,300 publications–a feast of magazines, journals, alt-weeklies, newsletters, and zines–and every year, we honor the stars in our Utne Independent Press Awards. We’ll announce this year’s winners on Sunday, April 25 at the MPA’s Independent Magazine Group conference in Washington, D.C. and post them online the following Monday.

We’re crazy about these publications, and we’d love it for all of our readers to get to know them better, too. So, every weekday until the conference, we’ll be posting mini-introductions to our complete list of 2010 nominees. I’d like to begin by introducing the publications up for health/wellness coverage. This topic is close to my heart–and these are eight fantastic, independent-minded publications that deeply engage with their subjects. They’re the real deal resources for alternative health and thriving.

Hailing from the Hudson River valley, Chronogram aims to enrich its readers’ creative and cultural lives, and, oh, how it succeeds! From its wellness-oriented Whole Living department to its analysis of politics and current events, Chronogram gives us the tools to live fully engaged, healthy lives.

Landscape Architecture in health and wellness, you say? This engaging publication of the American Society of Landscape Architects pulses with the connection between place and well-being, teaching us volumes about healthy environments–from a child-designed community in Italy to a provocative prayer garden in Baltimore.

New Mobility has a unique two-fold mission: promoting the integration of wheelchair users into mainstream society, while simultaneously exploring and celebrating disability-related culture. It balances those two goals with polish, advocating, analyzing, reporting, and sharing personal stories–in a phrase: fostering community by empowering it.

On Wisconsin, published by the University of Wisconsin Alumni Association, is filled with inquisitive, elegant reporting and writing that one need not be an alumnus to appreciate. The quarterly publication regularly introduces us to health-enriching ideas and research in the fields of medicine and the social sciences.

In the immediate wake of its 15th anniversary, POZ has become an ever-more indispensable resource and mouthpiece for people living with and affected by HIV. Chronicling the misunderstood and undercovered epidemic in the United States and abroad, POZ consistently packs its pages with powerful pieces of analysis and advocacy.

Psychotherapy Networker may be intended for therapists and counselors, but its appeal is universal. In the spirit of bringing “intellectual adventure” to the field, the bimonthly keeps us on the cutting edge of all things mental, enriching our understanding of the human condition.

Insubstantial healthy-living magazines abound on newsstands, which is why reading Spirituality & Health is like drinking a tall, clean drink of water. Clear-sighted and open-minded, the bimonthly offers genuine resources for all kinds of spiritual journeys, mining the disciplines of psychology, sociology, and medicine to inform its refreshing, joyful perspective.

Yes!a magazine of “powerful ideas, practical actions” published by the nonprofit Positive Futures Network, gives us information and tools to build a more sustainable, just tomorrow. The quarterly’s optimism is infectious: a celebration of human potential and community well-being that can’t help but inspire.

Want more? Meet ourspirituality and science and techology nominees.

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