With Passover approaching, many observant Jews are buying more than just matzo, including a wide variety of kosher-for-Passover, processed foods: cottonseed-oil margarine, frozen latkes, fake mustard, and corn syrup-free sodas. Blogging at Jewschool, Shamir Power <a id=”n7tg” title=”offers a better idea” href=”http://jewschool.com/2008/04/13/the-secret-it-out-raw-fruits-and-vegetables-are-all-kosher-for-passover/” target=”_blank” goog_docs_charindex=”443″>offers a better idea</a>: Buy fresh produce, from wherever. It’s always kosher, all the time. It also doesn’t require you to pay a premium for something that replaces the ingredients that you aren’t allowed to eat with a bunch of others that you might not particularly want, can’t pronounce, or haven’t even heard of.<br id=”dyz6″ goog_docs_charindex=”729″>
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