Alt Wire with Guest Blogger Phil Yu from Angry Asian Man

By Jeff Severns Guntzel
Published on April 5, 2009
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Alt Wire is a morning digest of links and information collected and explained by a different guest blogger every weekday. Today’s guest is Phil Yu of Angry Asian Man.We asked him for five links and here’s what happened:

Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives: An extensive, comprehensive online collection preserving the photographs, letters, art and oral histories of the Japanese American internment experience.  Fascinating, beautiful, and sometimes haunting, it’s an invaluable resource for the kind of American stories I never got to read about in my high school history textbook.

A Song For Ourselves: DJ Phatrick’s companion mixtape to Tad Nakamura’s short documentary ‘A Song For Ourselves.’ The film is a tribute to the life and legacy of revolutionary folk singer Chris Iijima, an early titan in the Asian American activist movement.  Blending Iijima’s songs with the music of conscious hip hop statesmen Blue Scholars and Native Guns, the mixtape drops a serious soundtrack for a new generation of APA activists.

I Know Where Bruce Lee Lives: I can’t really explain this, except that this “Ultraineractive KungFu Remixer” takes my favorite cinematic icon and lets you mash up music, sound effects and flashy graphics to make your own little visual/aural Bruce Lee symphony.  I came across it years ago, and it still provides ridiculous loads of fun.

Disgrasian:Jen Wang and Diana Nguyen are the smart and sassy ladies behind this ingenious, hilarious spin on the Asian American issues blog.  Taking on politics, pop culture and current events with thoughtful wit and a healthy dose of snark, they often say the things I can never quite muster up the courage to say myself. And they’re damn funny.

Secret Identities: The first ever Asian American superhero comic book anthology, due out this month from The New Press.  Co-editors Keith Chow, Jerry Ma, Parry Shen and Jeff Yang have assembled stories from an impressive array of the comic book industry’s Asian American talent. These are the superhero stories I always wanted to read as a kid.  Instead, I was stuck with the stereotypical Samurai from the old “Superfriends” cartoon.

Previous Alt Wire Guests:Matt Novak,Jason Marsh,David LaBounty,Jen Angel,Will Braun,Regan Hofmann,Josh Breitbart,Andrew Lam,  Jessica ValentiJessica HoffmannNoah ScalinRinku SenPaddy JohnsonMelissa Mcewan,  Fatemeh Fakhraie Joe BielAnne Elizabeth Moore

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