Andrew Breitbart, a longtime editor at the conservative Drudge Report, has had enough with movies that vilify the government and celebrities who are admired for talking smack about their country. So he’s out to make Hollywood “pro-American” again.
Breitbart launched the conservative pop culture and politics blog Big Hollywood this week, positioning it as an outlet “for those who think something has gone drastically wrong and that Hollywood should return to its patriotic roots.”
The site encourages conservative entertainment industry insiders to come out of the closet loud and proud, and the conservative movement as a whole to “figure out pop culture.” As Breitbart sees it, right-wingers need to realize that in the battle for ideological prowess, “(pop) culture is the big prize and that politics is secondary.”
The stories posted on Big Hollywood so far include a piece by California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore praising Tom Cruise’s new Nazi flick Valkyrie for its“soul and dignity”, and a post speculating that 24’s unapologetic nature may be moderated “to adapt to a new political reality”.
As the blog embarks on its master plan to remake Hollywood politics, one thing’s for sure: They’ll have plenty of lefties standing in their way. In a no-holds-barred takedown of Big Hollywood for the American Prospect’s TAPPED blog, Adam Serwer wrote, “It consists of failed showbiz types whose insanity hasn’t been tempered by the incessant mockery of the blogosphere, which means that each post is pure wingnuttia.”
(Thanks, RealClearPolitics.)