<p>Right now, a global conversation is taking place. From March 24 to March 30, Conversation Café is holding their annual <a title=”Conversation Week” href=”http://www.conversationcafe.org/Index.htm” target=”_blank”>Conversation Week</a>. It’s a time when people from across the world can talk about big questions. To start the conversation, 1,500 people from 39 different countries submitted what they think are the most important questions of our time. The top ten questions were chosen including:</p>
<ul type=”disc”>
<li>How can we best prepare our children for the future?</li>
<li>What does sustainability look like to you? How do we get there?</li>
<li>What kind of leadership does the world need now?</li>
<p>Former Utne associate editor Leif Utne is pitching in with the event, letting people know about it. He’s also recorded a few videos, including the one you can watch below.</p>
<a href=”https://www.utne.com/bios/bennett-gordon.aspx”>
<font color=”#800080″>Bennett Gordon</font>
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