Fighting 'Food Deserts' with Groceries at the Library

By Jeff Severns Guntzel
Published on July 19, 2010
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From the Governing magazineIdea Center:

Two Baltimore libraries now have another service to offer their patrons: grocery ordering and pickup. The City Health Department’s Virtual Supermarket Project (VSP) lets patrons living in “food deserts”–areas without shops offering healthy food at reasonable prices–order and pickup groceries at the library. Once a week, library visitors place their orders online with a local grocer and pay with cash, check, credit or food stamps. Patrons can pick up their orders the next day without paying a delivery fee.

Related reading at

Poster art for the food justice movement

Detroit Rock City: Farmer’s Paradise?

Food Among the Ruins: An Interview with Mark Dowie

Source: Governing (article not yet online)

Image by House of Sims, licensed under Creative Commons.

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