Political Wives Taking (Calculated) Stands

By Staff
Published on October 2, 2007

<p>A few days ago, <a title=”the <I>American Prospect</I> blog <I>Tapped</I>” href=”http://www.prospect.org/csnc/blogs/tapped_archive?month=09&year=2007&base_name=using_family_as_a_gay_rights_p” target=”_blank”>the <i>American Prospect</i> blog <i>Tapped</i>
</a> posted about Democratic candidates using their families as proxies to show support for gay rights. “In the last debate,” said Dana Goldstein, “John Edwards said he was against gay marriage, but his wife Elizabeth supported it.”</p>
<p>Now, Mitt Romney’s campaign has unveiled a different take on family with <a title=”AnnRomney.com” href=”http://www.annromney.com/” target=”_blank”>AnnRomney.com</a>. Instead of shouldering controversial policy stands, Mitt’s wife, Ann, “places primary importance on her role as a wife, a mother, and a grandmother.” She even includes a place for recipes on the site. — <em>Bennett Gordon</em>
<strong>UPDATE</strong>: <a title=”AnnRomney.com” href=”http://www.annromney.com/” target=”_blank”>AnnRomney.com</a> now simply redirects to MittRomney.com. Commentary withheld.</p>

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