<p>The slave trade didn’t end with the civil war. In fact, there are more than 27 million people enslaved around the world right now, according to <a title=”an info-graphic from <I>Good</I> magazine” href=”http://www.goodmagazine.com/section/Transparency/modern_slavery_a_primer” target=”_blank”>an info-graphic from <i>Good</i> magazine</a>. The information in the graphic is based on a new book by Benjamin Skinner, who wrote an <a title=”article on the modern slave trade” href=”https://www.utne.com/politics/people-for-sale.aspx” target=”_blank”>article on the modern slave trade</a> for the latest issue of <i>Utne Reader</i>. Skinner writes, “today there are more slaves than at any time in human history.” The article shows that buying a human being is disturbingly easy. In fact, <a title=”on the Foreign Policy website” href=”http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=4197″ target=”_blank”>on the Foreign Policy website</a>, you can hear an audio recording of Skinner bargaining over the price of a slave.</p>