Tim Wise: The Confrontationalist

By Joe Hart and Utne Reader
Published on October 13, 2010

<span>The promise of a post-racial society is premature, Wise argues in his book Colorblind. This activist, who cut his teeth on the campus-based antiapartheid movement, observes that because race is still a key factor in American disparities, economic and otherwise, it demands head-on confrontation.</span>
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<p>Read an interview with <a title=”Tim Wise on the myth of post-racial America” href=”http://www.thesunmagazine.org/issues/403/by_the_color_of_their_skin” target=”_blank”>
<u>Tim Wise on the myth of post-racial America</u>
</a> from <b>The Sun</b>. Catch him <a title=”discussing racism on CNN” href=”http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/8/15/893200/-Tim-Wise-on-CNN-to-discuss-Dr-Lauras-racist-rant-and-more-%28UPDATED-w-Transcript%29″ target=”_blank”>
<u>discussing racism on CNN</u>
</a>. He’s also been on talk radio, discussing <a title=”white supremacy and racism” href=”http://www.blogtalkradio.com/victim-of-racism/2010/01/29/the-cows-w-tim-wise-part-ii” target=”_blank”>
<u>white supremacy and racism</u>
</a> with host Gus T. Renegade. You can follow <a title=”Tim Wise on Facebook” href=”http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tim-Wise/140254320968?ref=ts” target=”_blank”>
<u>Tim Wise on Facebook</u>
</a>, check out <a title=”Wise’s website” href=”http://www.timwise.org/” target=”_blank”>
<u>Wise’s website</u>
</a>, and watch him talking about <a title=”white privilege” href=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ8xQPdjJfM” target=”_blank”>
<u>white privilege</u>
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<i>Read more: <a title=”25 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World” href=”https://www.utne.com/politics/25-visionaries-changing-your-world-2010.aspx”>25 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your World</a>

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