What Do Obama and McCain (Want You to) Read?

By  by Bennett Gordon
Published on August 21, 2008
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Google just released a new application called Power Readers in Politics, where both major presidential candidates and a number of journalists show off what they’re reading on Google Reader. Obama and McCain have reading lists that look like two sides of the same coin. Here’s a breakdown of what the candidates (or at least their campaign staff) say they’re reading.

Non-Girly Man Credentials:
Obama: ESPN, NBA, Chicago White Sox

McCain: Arizona Cardinals, Diamondbacks, ESPN

Advantage: Obama. The White Sox won the World Series in 2005. The Arizona Cardinals haven’t won anything since the 1940s.

Trying to be funny:
McCain: BBQ Bible, JibJab

Obama: Daily Show

Advantage: Obama. Although the short, bespectacled Steve Raichlen of the BBQ Bible might play well in some parts of the country, the Daily Show is definitely funnier than Jib Jab.

Local Media:
Chicago Tribune
Chicago Sun Times

Arizona Republic

Advantage: Obama. The Chicago Tribune won a Pulitzer Prize in 2008 for investigative reporting. The Arizona
Republic hasn’t won one since 1993.

Mainstream Media:
Washington Post
New York Times
Wall Street Journal
LA Times
, the Economist

, Fox News,
Wall Street Journal

Advantage: Obama. He’s got the numbers.

Online Media and Blogs:
Obama: Daily Kos, Think Progress, Talking Points Memo, the Huffington Post

McCain: National Review (2x),