Archaeologist Booze Hounds

By Staff
Published on October 25, 2007

<p>The ancient village of Jiahu, in modern-day China, was the birthplace of the oldest booze known to man. The secrets of the 9,000-year-old cocktail were recently uncovered by researchers at the <a title=”University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology” href=”” target=”_blank”>University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology</a>. Now, with the help of the beer-masters at <a title=”Dogfish Head” href=”” target=”_blank”>Dogfish Head</a>, that Neolithic alcohol is available for public consumption.</p>
<p>The curious staff of <a title=”<EM>Archeology Magazine </EM>decided to take the plunge” href=”” target=”_blank”>
<em>Archeology Magazine</em> took the plunge</a> and downed a glass or two of the liquor, dubbed Chateau Jiahu. Samir S. Patel writes that the taste took some getting used to, but eventually everyone agreed it was “interesting, unusual, and worth trying.” -<i>Bennett Gordon</i>

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