Gaza's Cyber War

By By cally Carswell 
Published on January 13, 2009
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<a title=”<IMG title=Hacker alt=Hacker hspace=10 src=”” align=left vspace=10 border=0>The Israeli-Palestinian war has spread to the Internet” href=”” target=”_blank”>

<a title=”<IMG title=Hacker alt=Hacker hspace=10 src=”” align=left vspace=10 border=0>The Israeli-Palestinian war has spread to the Internet” href=”” target=”_blank”>The Israeli-Palestinian war has spread to the Internet</a>, where hackers loyal to both sides are “defacing” websites to spread information and photos from the battlefield, Jon Gordon reports for Future Tense.</p>
<p>Jart Armin, who Gordon describes as a “cyber warfare researcher,” says the hackers have been fighting since 2001, but recently stepped up their efforts by attacking websites in Europe. Palestinian hackers have been particularly active, says Armin, breaking into websites to post photos of dead or injured people. Turkish hackers have enlisted too, which could spell trouble, according to Armin, because they’re among the best in the world. One Turk claims the world record for bringing down 20,000 websites in a single hour.</p>
<p>Indeed, the famed Turkish hackers are already living up to their reputation. According to the Sofia News Agency, “<a title=”Two websites maintained by NATO and the US Army have been defaced” href=”″ target=”_blank”>Two websites maintained by NATO and the US Army have been defaced</a> by the Turkish group Agd_Scorp/Peace Crew as a protest against the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.”</p>
<em>Photo by <a title=”gutter” href=”” target=”_blank”>gutter</a>, licensed under <a title=”Creative Commons” href=”” target=”_blank”>Creative Commons</a>.</em>

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