<p>Though it received little attention in the campaign, technology policy has been on Obama’s presidential agenda for some time.</p>
<p>Almost a year ago, Obama <a title=”revealed his plan” href=”http://venturebeat.com/2007/11/13/exclusive-barack-obama-to-name-a-chief-technology-officer/” target=”_blank”>revealed his plan</a> to create a new cabinet position for a Chief Technology Officer, who “will ensure that our government and all its agencies have the right infrastructure, policies, and services for the 21st century,” according to Obama’s new web site, <a title=”Change.gov” href=”http://www.change.gov/agenda/technology/” target=”_blank”>Change.gov</a>. <i>Wired’s</i> speculative <a title=”laundry list of candidates” href=”http://blog.wired.com/business/2008/10/who-wants-to-be.html” target=”_blank”>laundry list of candidates</a> for the post includes everyone from Google CEO Eric Schmidt to Dr. Evil.</p>
<p>Andrew Rasiej, founder of <a title=”Personal Democracy Forum” href=”http://www.personaldemocracy.com/” target=”_blank”>Personal Democracy Forum</a> and <a title=”techPresident” href=”http://www.techpresident.com/” target=”_blank”>techPresident</a>, tells <i>
<a title=”Information Week” href=”http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=212000790″ target=”_blank”>Information Week</a>
</i> that, “If someone of the caliber of Eric Schmidt were to be asked to serve this country in the White House, I think you would see a far quicker adoption of policies that not only help the tech industry but help the tech industry help the country and the world.”</p>
<p>Obama has also pledged steadfast support for net neutrality, digitizing medical records, and expanding broadband access. <i>Information Week</i> calls him the “first presidential candidate to unveil a wide-reaching and in-depth technology agenda.” However, there are potential downsides of an Obama presidency for technology, <a title=”writes <I style=”mso-bidi-font-style: normal”>CNet</I>” href=”http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-10082672-38.html” target=”_blank”>writes <i>CNet</i>
</a>. For instance, “For technology firms, a substantial downside–and one that’s difficult to overstate–is how hostile a solidly Democratic Congress and White House could be toward free trade.”</p>