Table of Contents: July-August 2012

By Staff
Published on September 11, 2013
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July-August 2012


Minimum Rage
Smart, ambitious, educated… and serving coffee by Nona Willis Aronowitz, from GOOD

The PhD Now Comes With Food Stamps
Advanced degrees cost much more than they’re worth for some by Stacey Patton, from The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Great Undwelling

How the older generation has mortgaged the future of the young by Jay Griffiths, from Orion


Wolves to the Slaughter
The formerly-endangered gray wolf is in big trouble by Christopher Ketcham, fromThe American Prospect

Water Fight in the Great Basin
An unlike alliance works to keep Vegas from a national park’s water supply by Kevin Grange, from National Parks

The Other Arctic
Oil interests want another piece of the Alaskan wilderness by Jeff Fair, from Audubon

Zombies Invade Grand Teton
Abandoned subdivisions provide a view no one can afford by Allen Best, from High Country News


A Close One for Urban Cyclists

Can bikers survive Washington’s changing climate? by Sam Ross-Brown, Utne Reader

The Cyclist in the Cyclone

Trails, tribulations, and tornadoes while bicycling from D.C. to Colorado by Jonny Waldman, from Boneshaker

Life in the Bike Lane
A Montreal mayor puts all of his political eggs in a bike basket by Taras Grescoe, from The Walrus


The High-Tech Hobbits of Trout Gulch
Cutting-edge animators create a live-in hackerspace in a California forest by Jon Kalish, from MAKE Magazine

Boulder’s Local Power
Running their own utility means sun and wind energy instead of coal by Valerie Schloredt, from YES!

The Allure of Disaster
Why we can’t–and shouldn’t–stop rubbernecking by Eric G. Wilson, from Psychology Today


Target Market
Black women with guns–frontier feminists or insurrectionists? by J. Victoria Sanders, from Bitch

Behold, the Wi-Fi Warrior
An epic tale of grandparents, Google, Jell-O, and a resurrected router by Mike Lacher, from McSweeny’s Internet Tendency

The Facts About Fact-Checking
Pursuit of the truth is only one reason why Americans are obsessed with facts by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, from The New Inquiry

Life Lessons in Pere Lachaise
A famous Parisian cemetery teaches is visitors how to live and love life by Sion Dayson, from Numero Cinq


Weighing Down Our Children
Why blaming kids for being fat doesn’t work by Dawn Friedman, from Brain, Child

Where Are You From?
Reconnecting to the places we live by Wendy Willis, from Oregon Humanities

The One I Did Not Smash
Why war against roaches? One day, they may inherent the earth by Amaris Ketcham, from the Sacred Fire

Broken Parts
Living with an illness that can’t be diagnosed by Patricia Foster, from The Antioch Review


Street Art Saves
Could graffiti change your life? by Suzanne Lindgren, Utne Reader

Cinematic Mind-Changer
Debunking African stereotypes one film at a time by Khalid Halhoul

The Boy in the Bubble
Imagining A Post-Screen World by Christopher Butler, from Print Magazine

Chronicle of a Hooligan: a review of Ai Wei Wei: Never Sorry
Chill Out: a review of Frozen Planet: The Complete Series
The Property of Others: a review of Deforce
Paradise Gained: a review of Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory

Alternatively Quirky and Beautiful: a review of Skyline by Yann Tiersen
Long Live Father John: a review of Fear Fun by Father John Misty
In His Own Words: a review of The LHI Years by Lee Hazlewood
A Little Bit of Everything: a review of Mutt by Cory Branan
Dark and Lovely: a review of Cynic’s New Year by Horsefeathers
No Label Required: a review of Origins by Stephane Wrembel

Nonstop Hustle: a review of 99 Nights with the 99 Percent by Chris Faraone
Gardener’s Delight: a review of Change Comes to Dinner by Katherine Gustafson
Too Legit to Quit: a review of Why America Needs A Left by Eli Zaretsky

Editor’s Note
by Christian Williams

by Eric Utne

Dispatches from:
New Scientist (Bilingual Infants)
DC Streetsblog (Walking Blues)
Spirituality & Health (Wheat Sensitivity: A Mystery Solved)
E Magazine (Foggy Notion)
Daily Climate (Thawing Out Ancient Microbes)
Native Peoples (Bad Habits Made Good)
New Scientist (Gadgets Get a Heart)
Reason (More Pot, Fewer Crashes)
Fast Company, GOOD (More Magnificent Mushroom Magic)


The Race to Save a Piece of the American Arctic
Oil interests and activists battle over Alaska’s “other ANWR” by Christian Williams, Utne Reader

The College Identity Crisis
What’s missing from the education debate by Sam Ross-Brown, Utne Reader

Student Debt, By the Numbers
The big numbers behind the big business of higher ed 

Bike-Friendly Cities: It Can Happen Here
The secrets behind Holland’s bikeability triumphs

Don’t Scream if You Meet a Cow
Bicycling etiquette for women, circa 1895 by Maria Popova, Brain Pickings

In-depth coverage of eye-opening issues that affect your life.