Collaboration Defines New Imprint

By By katie Leo 
Published on February 11, 2009
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There are many ways to divide and limit creative possibilities, but precious few opportunities for artists to collaborate.  Cinematheque Press, an independent literary imprint out of Chicago, is providing welcome space for cross-disciplinary exploration.  Each project features some combination of text and visual, audio, or cinematic art.  Their growing catalog is impressive and includes work by Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Peter Markus, Philip Jenks, and Simone Muench.  Cinematheque has also recently introduced a gorgeous online magazine, Dear Camera, whose second issue features text and film by Zachary Schomburg.  Schomburg’s “1977-2050” is both haunting and whimsical, and it’s all available with the click of a mouse. 

Sources:Cinematheque Press;Dear Camera

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