Music Review: Rachel Brooke – A Killer's Dream

By Mike Krings
Published on March 21, 2013
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Rachel Brooke 
A Killer’s Dream Self-Released Album Now Available

They say rock and roll is the devil’s music. But ol’ Lucifer has never been afraid to tap his pointed toe to the right kind of country tunes. Southern country roots rock revivalist Rachel Brooke has a few numbers the dark prince might be interested in.

That’s not to say Brooke has recorded an ode to evil with her latest effort, A Killer’s Dream, but that she has put down an album that is simultaneously spooky, dark, and danceable. While her voice is smooth and warm, backing band Viva LeVox supports her with their respective feed standing in piles of blues, heart-wrenching honky tonk, rock and roll, and old-time jazz.

Standout tracks “Fox in a Hen House” and “Late Night Lover” set the atmosphere: brooding bass and steady rhythm framing Brooke’s tales of folks with less-than-noble intentions who are well aware of their moral shortcomings, but embrace them all the same. Without treading into novelty territory, Brooke melds genres that don’t always play well together. Combined with her sultry, dark delivery and haunting themes, that’s indeed a recipe for a killer dream.

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